遮光器土偶や火焔型土器をモチーフにした防災笛。 鯖江の眼鏡職人が眼鏡と同じ素材・技術・工程を用いて、 このホイッスルを製作。 防災笛としての機能性である音に徹底的にこだわっている。人の耳に聞こえやすく、 救助犬にも聞こえる高音域の音を実現。この防災笛は環境にも人にも優しい、めがねの素材を使用している。主に綿花を原料とする植物性樹脂であるセルロースアセテートで作られている。

Disaster prevention whistle with motifs of Jomon period pottery and clay figurines. This whistle is made by Sabae eyeglasses craftsman using the same materials, techniques and processes as used for eyeglasses. The functionality of the whistle as a disaster prevention whistle – the sound – has been thoroughly considered. The whistle has a high frequency sound that is easily audible to the human ear and can also be heard by rescue dogs. The whistle is made of environmentally and people-friendly materials. It is made from cellulose acetate, a vegetable resin mainly made from cotton.
