

組紐の伸縮性や組み技術を活かした、耳への負荷を軽減するマスクバンド。さらに蓄光糸・抗菌糸・正絹の3種類の糸を組んだ組紐を開発。暗所で光り、菌の発生を抑え、肌に優しい。組紐の本来の役割は、着物の帯締め。着付けを整える・着物姿を引き立てるなど重要な役割をもっており、 それをマスクを着けるときに再現した。 「着物の帯締め」から「マスクの紐留め」へ

A mask band that reduces the load on the ears by utilizing the elasticity and braiding technique of braided cord. In addition, we have developed a braid made of three types of yarn: light-storing yarn, anti-bacterial yarn and pure silk. It glows in the dark, inhibits the formation of bacteria and is gentle on the skin. The original role of kumihimo was to fasten the obi of a kimono. Kumihimo originally played an important role in dressing the kimono and enhancing the appearance of the kimono, and we have reproduced this role when wearing a mask. From “for Kimono” to “for Mask”

製作:株式会社 龍工房(組紐職人)